Mr. Jason Poon » 6th Grade Homeroom Expectations

6th Grade Homeroom Expectations

Assumption School

Back to School Night

August 26, 2021

Mr. Jason Poon

Sixth Grade

Welcome to Sixth Grade!

2021 – 2022

Welcome to Sixth Grade


I am beyond excited to see all of your students’ bright and shining faces in person this year. Although the last two school years have been different for everyone, I am ready to return to a sense of normalcy. This 6th grade year is a pivotal moment for our students as they transition into junior high and further develop their skills in being independent learners. We will harvest our skills in critical and independent thinking, work on our problem solving skills, and organization. I am excited to start this school year and build a community of learners!


Many Blessings to you,


Mr. Poon

Discipline: Assumption School will continue to implement a positive discipline curriculum.

The teachers and students will work on a social-emotional curriculum together. This program seeks to establish strong and meaningful connections between students, families and school staff. It views mistakes as opportunities to learn and misbehaviors as opportunities to practice critical life skills. In the beginning of the year, the 6th grade will work collaboratively to create their own classroom guidelines. These will be shared with parents/families once they have been created.



Attendance will be taken each day in the morning at the beginning of homeroom. Those in quarantine will be considered as present as long as they remain responsive, complete assignments, and attend all check-in appointments set.




RELIGION (Mr. Jason Poon, [email protected]

Text #1: We Are God’s People, Sadlier

Subject Matter: Students will become familiar with the history of our Catholic

faith so that they will learn to think critically and are better prepared to proclaim

and live their faith as active Christians.

Text #2: Benziger Family Life

Subject Matter: Family life curriculum is studied during the third trimester and

stresses a number of concepts about the human person that have been identified

by Education in Human Sexuality for Christians, United States Catholic

Conference, 1981, such as:

  • Relationships and Communication (with family, friends, and adults)
  • Pregnancy and Birth

Expectations: Each student is expected to give appropriate attention to the

subject matter in the texts and to participate in classroom discussions. A test or

other form of assessment is given at the end of each chapter. Prior to working

with the “Benziger Family Life” text, parents will need to look it over with their

child, then sign and return the text the following school day. Assumption School

is currently reassessing our Service Learning Projects. Service is fundamental

element of who we are. The faculty is working on forming a service Learning

Project that provides students the intrinsic value of being an Active Christian.


  • test and quiz scores
  • project-based activities


READING (Mr. Jason Poon, [email protected]

Text: Rather than a textbook, we will read three novels during the school year, as

well as study poetry and some short stories. Students will be expected to read

both in the classroom and at home. Discussion questions, quizzes, group

projects, and a test will also be part of each novel’s unit.

Subject Matter: Students will have the opportunity, both whole class and in

small groups, to work on fundamental reading comprehension skills such as

finding facts, making inferences, locating sequences, developing vocabulary

through the use of context clues, identifying main ideas, and drawing

conclusions. They will also develop their ability to respond thoughtfully to

literature by comparing and contrasting, finding themes, analyzing characters,

making connections, and finding supporting evidence. Students will also have the

opportunity to explore literature through cooperative learning groups.


Expectations: Students will be expected to read, comprehend, and practice

critical thinking skills for the assigned selections. It will be anticipated that

students put forth the effort needed to complete assignments neatly, accurately,

and on time. When we work in cooperative learning groups, it is expected that

students complete their reading assignments and tasks at home. They will then

share their findings with their group members.


  • test and quiz scores
  • scores on long-term projects and/or in-class assignments
  • depth of responses in assignments


SOCIAL STUDIES (Mr. Zachary Loverro, [email protected]

Text: The Ancient World, Teachers Curriculum Institute

The social studies program we will be using this year is from TCI and is designed

to reach learners of all abilities using multiple intelligences teaching strategies

and theory and research-based active instruction. You can learn more about TCI

at An important part of the program is an online Student

Subscription. The subscription is our online textbook, and students will need it to

complete assignments and study for tests. The TCI Student Subscription

includes: Student text, End-of-lesson Reading Challenges, Reading tools such as

highlighting, inline vocabulary definitions, and a main idea viewer. Students will

need Internet access daily for their homework and review. Many assignments will

be electronically submitted in class as well as at home.

The study of Ancient Civilizations, early middle Eastern civilizations

(Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt), early Asian civilizations (Ancient India and

Ancient China), the foundation of Western ideas (Ancient Israelites, Ancient

Greeks, and Classical Greece) and Rome (the rise of Rome, the Roman Empire,

and Christianity and the fall of Rome) and world geography.

Expectations: Students are expected to be responsible, organized, respectful,

and use good communication skills. Work assigned to students should be neat,

complete and with full effort. Students should participate in class discussions or

on assignments with complete sentences. A big part of their success depends on

the Interactive Student Notebook, which will become a major resource for them

for quizzes and tests. Notebook checks will be done regularly. History class will

be an interactive, cooperative, and hands-on learning experience. Tests are

given about every three weeks. Students are tested on material from the text as

well as activities or discussions from class and note taking. All assignments must

be completed on time. Absent make up work and tests must be completed within

a week of students' absence. Students are responsible for making necessary


Grading: The student’s grade is based on class work, the student Interactive

Student Notebook, open-notebook quizzes, unit tests, projects and class

participation. Homework assignments involving reading and note taking will be

evaluated according to the quality and completeness of each assignment and will

be reflected in the student’s effort grade on Progress Reports and Report Cards.


MATH (Mr. Jason Poon, [email protected], Mr. Dennis Wong [email protected]

Text: Envision Math, Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley

Subject Matter: The math curriculum in sixth grade requires students to

understand how to work with decimals and fractions, different types of graphs,

data sets, base-ten operations, place value, order of operations, measurements,

angles, and shapes.

Expectations: Students will be expected to put forth their best effort in

completing assignments based on previously taught lessons, as well as

preparing for periodic tests and quizzes. Additionally, students will be expected

to correct missed problems on homework, quizzes, and tests. Occasional

projects may be assigned but can be completed in class.


  • test and quiz scores
  • completion of all assignments (with work shown)


ENGLISH (Mr. Zachary Loverro, [email protected]

Text: Writing Pathways, Lucy Calkins, First Hand Heinemann

Expectations: Students are required to bring a journal to class, in which they will

write reflections, take notes, record their ideas, work on their writing

assignments, and complete homework. Journals will be collected periodically and

the quality of work assessed. At the start of class, students are expected to

complete a grammar check and during the week a specific Language Arts,

Vocabulary, and/or Grammar lesson will be taught.

Subject Matter: It is increasingly important for all children to be given an

education that enables them to synthesize, organize, reflect on, and respond to

the data in their world. Assumption School has adopted Writing Pathways, the

TCRWP Writing Workshop program, across all grade levels. These learning units

are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will assist our knowledge

of the teaching of writing. In the Units of Study, students will be able to

synthesize, analyze, compare and contrast information and ideas in a workshop

environment. This program will give the students the skills to write narrative,

argument and expository texts.

Grading: Grades will be based on tests, quizzes, classroom activities,

interactive student notebook assignments, writing assignments, and projects.

Homework assignments involving writing, language arts practice, and note taking

will be evaluated according the quality and completeness of each assignment

and will be reflected on the student’s effort grade on Progress Reports and

Report Cards.


Science: Ms. Kate Bauman ([email protected])

Text: FOSS Kits by Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley

Subject Matter: Throughout the year, we will be going over topics relating Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. We will have a particular focus on Living Systems, Weather and Water, and the Diversity of Life.

 Expectations: Students will be expected to complete daily tasks, quizzes, exit tickets, tests, investigations, demonstrations and presentations. Students are expected to come to class ready to engage in class discussions, prepared by completing any assigned tasks, and bringing any required materials to class each day. Students should arrive to class ready to collaborate with their peers, deeply investigate, and to learn about the many wonders of science!

 Grading: Grades will be based on daily class participation, tests, quizzes, projects, and completion of homework. Homework and assignments must be turned in on time.


ART- Mrs. Karen Barbera - [email protected]

Subject Matter: The Assumption School Art program is a comprehensive arts program which encompasses the subjects of Visual Arts (Art History, Art Appreciation, Studio Art) and Performing Arts. Students are introduced to various mediums through direct instruction as well as lecture and discussion. Visual Arts subject matter includes various movements in art history and the artists responsible for those movements. Direct instruction demonstrates the elements of art and the use of varied supplies, tools, and mediums. Performing Arts subject matter introduces  acting techniques to improve imagination, attention, memory, improvisation, and self-confidence. Students in grades 4 through 8  receive letter grades for art based on diocesan guidelines. Students' work is assessed based on the following factors:

Visual Arts:

  1. Preparation.  Supplies required for in-class projects will be listed in Google Classroom on the morning of art class.  Students are expected to check their supply list and be prepared to begin each scheduled class on time. Project materials not on the school supply list will be supplied by the art teacher.  
  2. Completion of work according to instruction.Students must turn in finished work completed according to instruction using the correct techniques and materials. Work must be neat and done to the best of a student's ability. Incomplete work done with inappropriate materials will not be accepted. 
  3. Complete and return work in a timely manner. Habitual submission of late or incomplete work may result in after-school detention. Absent students must contact Mrs. Barbera to plan and schedule make-up work.
  4. Students' work must be clearly marked with their name.Unlabeled work cannot be graded. 
  5. All work must be the student's own work. Art is a subject which requires experimentation and practice. Neither is accomplished if the work is not done by the students themselves. This is very important.  Perfectly copied work is never as good as any work a student creates on their own.


Performing Arts:

  1. Preparation. Each student is expected to be ready with the correct materials for class. Memorization and practice outside of class may be required.
  2. Participation. Students should be actively engaged in class and willing to accept and to give constructive criticism.  There is an expectation for an increased level of comfort and improvement in technique.
  3. Respect. Drama class is a safe place for self-expression. Students should respect and encourage the work of others.  Teasing will not be tolerated.  

P.E.: Mr. Darren Deonigi [email protected]

Subject Matter:  Physical games and motor skills, group play and teamwork will all be emphasized in this subject area.  

Expectations:  Students will be expected to participate and exhibit proper sports behavior and self-discipline. 

Grading:  Students will be graded on being active and achievement of the above listed expectations.  


COMPUTER SCIENCE (Mr. Jason Poon, [email protected]

Text: An array of educational software and the internet, e.g. and

Google applications

Subject Matter: Learning basic coding and other digital tools like Google Docs,

Google Sheets and Google Slides, integrating multimedia technology through

age appropriate projects into the curriculum, using educational software and

internet access.

Expectations: 100% hands-on participation by all students resulting in

completed projects.


Music Class –

Fall 2021 - Spring 2022


Welcome back!!

Subject Matter: With masks on and social distancing, I am hoping to

return to the art of singing. Music class will be in church, which gives

us ample room to spread out. We will work on music for various

Masses and hopefully Christmas and Spring concerts. We will also work

on learning how to read music. We will also learn about instruments

and music history.


Expectations: Active participation through singing and memorization

of the score in class is primary. In order to do this, good behavior in the

classroom and church is a must. Attendance with an animated spirit at

all school-sponsored Masses, Christmas and Spring Concerts is


Grading: Grading (a letter or number grade) will be based on

assessments made at the time of a ‘performance,’ and quizzes

afterwards. Along with these assessments, I also review behavior in

the classroom and church, active class participation, and attendance at

mandatory liturgies/concerts.


Materials: I will supply the students with musical scores and worship leaflets to

learn music. Let’s get started!!


Mr. Bill Vaughan

[email protected]

Exceptional Needs Program

Assumption School is committed to effectively meeting the needs of our diverse

learning population by differentiating instruction and making curriculum

accessible to all students. The learning support staff consists of two part time

teachers available to assist the classroom teacher by providing small group

instruction for students with accommodations. They are:


Learning Support Coordinator - Mrs. Sue Mart [email protected]

Resource Reading Teacher - Mrs. Krista Imrie [email protected]

We are on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8-3 and can be reached via

the above e-mail addresses or by phone at 510 357-8772. 


To ensure that the needs of all learners are met, Assumption School has two part time teachers who support both students and their teachers. Student services include both individual and small group pullout or push in instruction. If you believe your student has special needs please discuss your concerns with their teacher and/or the Learning Support Coordinator, Sue Mart [email protected] or Reading Resource Teacher, Krista Imrie. [email protected]


The duties of the learning support coordinator are to assist families of students

with special needs by holding SST meetings, providing academic assessments,

direct services to students in 4th through 8th grades both inside and outside the

classroom, collaborate with classroom teachers and the school counselor and

meet regularly with the administration.

The duties of the resource reading teacher are to provide small group reading

instruction to students in TK through 3rd grade. She leads small group

instruction both inside and outside the classroom, collaborates with the

classroom teachers and coordinates the Lexia program with teachers.

Some definitions that might be helpful to you are:

  1. SST - Student Success Team. A team made up of the parents, student,

learning support coordinator, the classroom teacher, instructional assistant

when available, the resource reading teacher (for TK-3), the administrator,

and the school counselor who meet to create a plan to insure curriculum is

accessible to the student insuring that they are able to excel in their


  1. Differentiation- A wide variety of teaching techniques used to meet the

learning needs of student and/or learning environment.

  1. Support Staff - A staff member that provides specialized instruction to a

student helping them access all curricula.


Google Chromebooks: At the start of the first trimester, all Junior High families

who read, discuss, sign, and return their Technology Acceptable Use Policy and

Device Permission Slip will be issued an Asus Chromebook to be used for all

classes and taken home. Please read the policies carefully as students are

expected to care for these learning devices and use them respectfully. The ability

to use them at home can be revoked if at any time a student is not following the

policies and guidelines set out in the policy and permission documents. All

teachers expect students to have their Chromebooks fully charged at the start of

each day. No charging will be allowed at school.

Google Classroom: Students will have access to Google Classroom, an online

learning management system used to engage students safely and effectively in

their learning. Students will use their school Google accounts for all school

communication and assignments. Many Junior High teachers have a Google


Classroom that students use to take online quizzes, work on and submit

assignments, get feedback on assignments, and ask class-related questions.

Please note that this will not include any Powerschool grade updates or provide

you will an official cumulative grade. The parent portal for PowerSchool will be

available for you to view your students’ comments, graded work, and schedule of




Teachers and staff continue to use a school-wide social and emotional program,

“Positive Discipline.” The focus is creating a positive learning environment where

students understand the importance of self evaluation, group problem solving,

empathy and self worth.

This student-centered process was started on the second day of school during

the Junior High “Vision Day” Orientation. Junior High students and teachers

joined together the second day of school to focus on being the leaders of our

school during a day long orientation. During this time, students discussed

successful learning environments, student behaviors that support learning, and

student/teacher agreed-upon logical consequences/solutions.

They created 3 guidelines, each of which have various associated behaviors:

  1. Respect yourself and others:


  • Wait to speak until after the teacher has called on you.
  • Listen quietly when others are speaking.
  • Keep your hands to yourself.
  • Be quiet when in line and in breezeways.
  • Come to class prepared with all supplies and completed



  1. Contribute to the learning environment:


  • Actively participate in class discussions and activities
  • Follow instructions
  • Complete and submit assignments on time
  • Have a positive attitude


  1. Follow school and classroom procedures:


  • Keep work organized in its appropriate folder and/or binder
  • Ask for help when you need it
  • Take responsibility for your own academic and behavioral



The foundation of the managing of the classroom is built upon the school’s

Student Learning Expectations (SLE’s). Students will practice skills to help them

move forward toward becoming citizens who can better manage themselves by

becoming more proficient at self-discipline.



An explanation of percentages in determining letter grades can be found in the

Parent Handbook. Please note that PowerSchool (not me) calculates those

percentages based on a weighted scale. 80% of each subject’s grades are based

on summative assessments, and 20% is based on formative assessments.

Homework Policy

  1. Generally, homework is assigned Monday through Thursday nights. It is


should be completed in one evening and returned the following day. Long-

term assignments will be due according to specified dates provided by the


teacher. The average time to be spent on homework each night at the sixth

grade level is 90 to 120 minutes, but this may vary from student to student.

  1. Please note that specified written assignments should be completed in blue

or black ink. Math is always done in pencil. Using white-out on any

assignments is unacceptable.

  1. Homework must be neat and legible along with the proper heading. Late or

incomplete homework will lower the effort grade on report cards.

  1. Late homework will not be accepted once that unit has ended.
  2. When an assignment has been left at home, students will not be allowed to

call home during class. They can try to do so during lunch or recess, but it’s

extremely important that they be held accountable for their assignments.

  1. Students who are absent are still responsible for completing ALL class work

and homework assignments. This is particularly applicable to math

homework. Math is cumulative and success in this subject depends upon

consistent practice so students can continue to build a solid foundation while,

simultaneously, learning new concepts.

  1. Assignments (both in-class and homework) must be completed in a

timely fashion. A general rule of thumb is as follows: For every day

a student is absent, due to an illness, she or he has that many

days to make up work.

  1. Per the handbook, we cannot guarantee that students will be given

work prior to leaving. They are welcome to bring their books with

them and check the website or with classmates for daily work. A

student is given 1 day to make up work for each day that

he/she was absent (up to 3 days).



A note needs to accompany a student the first day upon returning to school. A

student absent from school for three or more days for reasons other than illness

or a family emergency has three days to make up all tests and assignments.

Students are considered tardy if they are not in their assigned place in line when

the second bell rings at 8:00 a.m. Students who are tardy need to go to the office

and get a tardy slip from the school secretary before being admitted into the

classroom. Refer to the Parent Handbook if a tardy involves a medical excuse.



Plagiarism (such as, but not limited to, copying or sharing the work of another

author or internet source and submitting it as one’s own), are all serious forms of

academic dishonesty.

Consequences of plagiarism

  • 6th grade - in school suspension
  • 7th grade - 1 day at home suspension
  • 8th grade - 2 day at home suspension
  • For plagiarized assignments, consequences will be escalating based on age,

frequency, and severity of the plagiarism at the discretion of the principal in

consultation with the teacher.

  • Plagiarized assignments must be redone with a 30% decrease in grade. (A

perfectly done assignment would only be eligible for a C-)


Communication is essential to our working in partnership to educate your child. If

you have any questions, comments, or concerns please call to schedule an

appointment to meet with me either before or after school. Moreover, I will be

asking for each family’s email address; this will be another vehicle of




Each student’s birthday is recognized in class, and students are welcome to

celebrate the occasion by donating a game or book to the class. Students can

write their name and date inside their donated item(s). Treats last only a day, but

a game or book will be forever remembered!