Mrs. Diana Castillo » Welcome


Welcome to Kindergarten 2023-2024


Teacher: Mrs. Diana Castillo

Assistant: Ms. Maria Romo 



  • Social Skills

The students will learn:

  1. to make and be a friend
  2. to problem solve
  3. to share 
  4. to work together
  5. to ask for help when necessary


  • Work Habits

The students will learn:

  1. to be an attentive listener
  2. to see assignments through to completion
  3. to be part of a group and participate in class activities
  4. to appreciate neatness
  5. to take care of supplies and clean up after themselves


Kindergarten students will study topics and themes that fulfill diocesan and California State Standards.  These topics will be organized and integrated throughout the course of the year, making them meaningful and challenging learning opportunities for the students.  All of our learning will have foundations in the subject areas listed below.  Students are to work to their fullest potential; they will be graded on their mastery and knowledge in concepts that are taught as well as effort, work habits, and citizenship.


  • Religion

Text:  God Made the World, Sadlier, RCL Benziger Family Life K 2011

The student will:

  1. celebrate himself/herself, the world, and God’s love
  2. express his/her uniqueness, learning to appreciate that each is special and loved by God
  3. explore the ways human beings join together with one another in families, friendships, communities, and in the Church
  4. come to know Jesus as a friend and brother 
  5. recognize Mary as the Mother of Jesus and our Blessed Mother
  6. daily pray the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Grace before lunch
  7. show concern for those in need by participating in community service
  8. learn appropriate behavior and responses for participating in school liturgies


  • Reading/ Language Arts/ Phonics

Text: Scott Foresman Reading Street 2008, Phonics Level K Pearson 2011

Resources: Trade Books, Reading A-Z

The student will:

  1. appreciate and enjoy great literature
  2. recognize the connections between listening, speaking, reading, and writing
  1. develop an awareness of print and grammatical conventions
  2. establish sound/symbol relationships for the consonant sounds, consonant blends, and the five short vowel sounds
  3. learn and apply decoding and comprehension strategies
  4. print in manuscript all the capital and lower-case letters
  5. write and recognize complete sentences


  • Handwriting

Text: Handwriting Without Tears

The student will:

  1. learn to correctly hold writing utensils
  2. learn to correctly form and write letters and numbers


  • Math

Text: Envision Mathematics, Common Core – Savvas Learning Company 2020

The student will:

  1. look forward to math time and see math applied in real life situations
  1. make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
  2. model with mathematics
  3. use appropriate tools strategically
  4. attend to precision
  5. experience counting and cardinality
  6. compare numbers
  7. understand addition as putting together and adding to
  8. understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from
  9.  identify and describe shapes
  10. analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes
  11. describe and compare measurable attributes


  • Social Studies

Text:  Houghton Mifflin History Social Science

The student will:

  1. understand that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways
  2. recognize national and state symbols and icons such as the national and state flags, the bald eagle, and the Statue of Liberty
  3. match simple descriptions of work that people do and the names of related jobs at the school, in the local community, and from historical accounts
  4. compare and contrast the locations of people, places, and environments and describe their characteristics
  5. know the triumphs in American legends and historical accounts through the stories of famous people

Specialty Classes


  • Science (Mrs. Munoz)

Science: Mrs. Mary Munoz [email protected]

Text:  Foss [hands-on program aligned to the new NGSS standards]


Subject matter:

1.Physical Science - Motion and Matter

2.Earth Science - Water and Climate

3.Life  Science - Structures of Life


ectations:Students will be expected to fully participate in all hands-on and written science activities and discussions. They will be required to utilize higher level thinking skills as they learn to scientifically explore and discover the world around them. Students will be required to follow instructions carefully and practice safe procedures during all investigations.

  • Art (Mrs. Munoz)

Art: Mrs. Mary Munoz([email protected])


Subject Matter: Students will realize art is another way to express oneself. They will  develop ways of expressing ideas in visual form, explore and experiment with different art media, and grow in awareness of the environment.  They will experience a sense of personal achievement and the joy of creation. They will develop muscular coordination through manipulation of art materials, and learn to appreciate the visual expression of others.

  • Music (Mr. Vaughan)  


Bill Vaughan [email protected]


Welcome back!!


Subject Matter: In music class, we sing, sing and sing. We prepare music for weekly Masses, the Fall Festival, and the Advent/Christmas and Spring Concerts. In the midst of all this singing, I train every student to become a cantor (if he or she wishes). We learn how to read music, learn about instruments and a bit about the story of music.


Expectations: Active participation through singing and memorization of the musical score in class is primary. In order to do this, good behavior in the classroom and church is a must. Attendance with an animated spirit at all school-sponsored Masses, Christmas and Spring Concerts is mandatory.


Grading: Grading (a letter or number grade) will be based on assessments made at the time of a ‘performance.’ Along with these assessments, I also review behavior in the classroom and church, active class participation, and attendance at mandatory liturgies/concerts.


Materials: I will supply the students with musical scores and worship leaflets to learn music. Let’s get started!!


Subject Matter: Students will learn the basic fundamentals of sports (football, baseball, kickball, basketball, soccer, hockey, Lacrosse, volleyball)  along with team building activities in which they will be working in small and large groups. Students will also learn many life lessons that are created during class activities.


Expectations: Students will be expected to participate to the best of their ability while showing respect to their classmates as well as their teacher. They are also expected to have as much fun as possible during physical education! 


Grading: Students will be graded based on effort, participation, and how they treat others during their physical education classes. 


  • Library (Ms. Rubio/Mrs. Munoz)


"You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child." Dr. Seuss


Subject Matter:

According to Jim Trelease’s book entitled, The Read-Aloud Handbook, research repeatedly validates the importance of reading aloud to children because it improves a child’s reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills along with enhancing a child’s attitude towards reading. 


Library classes will be held once a week. Breathtaking religious stained glass windows provide the perfect backdrop for an enriching library experience. Grades T/K – 3 check out books for [1] week; grades 4 and 5 get to check out books for [2] weeks.


In addition to providing students with a variety of reading adventures, the library hosts an annual book fair through Scholastic in the spring. This event sparks a lot of excitement and enthusiasm—it’s like having our very own bookstore for a week!



Students will be expected to adhere to the usual rules you would have in any other public library. Additionally, sometimes books do get lost or damaged. The policy for this school library is that in the event that this happens, the book would either need to be replaced with another book [in excellent condition] of equal value or remit a check made out to Assumption School that covers the cost of the book. 

  • Motor Skills: (Ms. Contreras) 


In addition to our school’s physical education curriculum, perceptual-motor activities are offered to students in grades TK-1. The perceptual-motor activities are conducted indoors and involve the use of basic equipment (bean bags, blindfolds, balance beams, tumble mats, etc.) In this program, students are presented with a wide variety of movement experiences designed to improve physical coordination, enhance basic sensory functioning, and promote a positive self image. 


For the safety and maximum benefit of participants, it is required that all children remove their shoes and socks before a lesson begins. The clothing that children wear to school on the days that this program is offered is very important to successful, safe, and comfortable performance. It is recommended that girls wear pants or shorts to school on the days the program is conducted and that tights are not worn on these days. Tights are very slippery and lead to accidents. Long dresses or skirts are also especially hazardous. 


  • Spanish: (Ms. Contreras)


Subject Matter


Students will:

- Recognize and recite classroom words

- Talk about wants and needs 

- Recognize animals in Spanish

- Recognize food in Spanish

- Recite the alphabet, colors and numbers in Spanish 

- Practice how to greet and introduce themselves 

- Discuss in Spanish the things they need and want for their classes

- Discuss the calendar and weather

- Describe themselves and personality traits

- Describe the items in their rooms and in pictures

- Describe how they prepare themselves for school 

- Describe extended family and family life in general

- Students will recite and translate prayers


New vocabulary, books, games, and music will be introduced around the theme of activities and personality traits.


Grammar: Students will learn vowels, gender, cognates, infinitives, negatives, structures to express agreement and disagreement, and adjectives.


Cultural Perspectives: Students will learn about several Spanish-speaking countries and cultural differences. They will also learn about Holidays (Independence Day, Day of the Dead, Christmas, Cesar Chavez and Cinco de Mayo, Children’s Day).


Expectations: Students are encouraged to participate in classroom activities and projects, and communicate with other students and me in Spanish. I am excited and look forward to working with all of you this year! 


Ms. Andrea Contreras

[email protected]  




Assumption School is committed to effectively meeting the needs of our diverse learning population by differentiating instruction and making curriculum accessible to all students. The learning support staff consists of two part time teachers available to assist the classroom teacher by providing small group instruction for students with accommodations. 


They are: 


We are on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8-3 and can be reached via the above e-mail addresses or by phone at 5(10) 357-8772. 


The duties of the learning support coordinator are to assist families of students with special needs by holding SST meetings, providing academic assessments, direct services to students in 4th through 8th grades both inside and outside the classroom, collaborate with classroom teachers and the school counselor and meet regularly with the administration. 


The duties of the resource reading teacher are to provide small group reading instruction to students in TK through 3rd grade. She leads small group instruction both inside and outside the classroom, collaborates with the classroom teachers and coordinates the Lexia program with teachers. 


Some definitions that might be helpful to you are: 


  1. SST - Student Success Team. A team made up of the parents, 

student, learning support coordinator, the classroom teacher, instructional assistant when available, the resource reading teacher (for TK-3), the administrator, and the school counselor who meet to create a plan to ensure the curriculum is accessible to the student, ensuring that they are able to excel in their education. 


  1. Differentiation- A wide variety of teaching techniques used to meet 

the learning needs of a student and/or learning environment. 


  1. Support Staff - A staff member that provides specialized instruction 

to a student helping them access all curricula. 


Homework will not be assigned until after spring break. It will be used in the third trimester as a tool to help transition students into first grade. A homework sheet will go home at the beginning of each week. Assignments will be written in the space provided. Homework will come in various shapes and sizes. A parent initial will be required each night. There will also be a space provided for communication between parents and teachers. 


*Homework will not begin until April and is ALWAYS optional! 


Kindergarten is a 1 to 1 classroom! This means that each student will have access to their own iPad. Students will be trained on caring for and navigating the device. iPad’s will stay at school and will provide numerous, rich, learning experiences across all areas of study. 

Kindergarten Behavior Management Plan 



  • We show respect to others.
  • We raise our hands to share.
  • We listen attentively and work quietly.
  • We take care of our classroom.

DISCIPLINE: Discipline is approached positively. The children are always encouraged to be a part of the group, however, if a child harms others or disrupts the class, that child may be taken aside to sit out to think about their actions. Otherwise, discipline is an opportunity to teach and understand behavior and how to communicate effectively and appropriately. Positive discipline  and logical consequences also allows the child to think about their actions, how it may have affected their peers, and gives them the chance to connect the consequence to their behavior. 

Helping/Hurting Hands: 

Any time that a student is seen using their hands to be helpful; they will receive a colorful paper hand. Colorful hands will be kept on a wall in the classroom to show off how helpful we are! However, if a student uses their hands to hurt another student, a red hand will be sent home with the message, “Ask me about my day.” If a red hand comes home, please make sure to talk through the situation with your student. I will contact parents if a red hand is given as well. 



  • CLOTHING: Uniform and free dress clothing should be safe (especially shoes), functional and easy to unfasten so that your child will be able to use the bathroom independently. Kindergarten students should be in their full, standard school uniform daily, unless you are informed of a casual/free dress day. Please be sure to send a full change of uniform, including extra socks and underwear in a labeled ziplock bag. No “light up”or “high heel” shoes please. 


  • PERSONAL ITEMS: Please label ALL items (backpacks, sweaters, etc.) with your child’s name. Children are NOT allowed to bring toys or games from home unless it is pre-approved for a specific class activity. All confiscated items will be held in a “June Box” and returned to the child in June upon summer vacation.


  • DAILY SNACK & LUNCH: Students may bring a snack and lunch. If your child is receiving a hot lunch, please be sure to send them with a morning snack. Please send them with plenty of WATER to drink daily, they do get very thirsty! Reusable water bottles are very helpful and much appreciated as they are easy to refill.


*HotLunch can be ordered through in advance. 

*If your child has specific food allergies, make sure to notify the teacher      and the office. If a student has a nut allergy, we may transition into a nut free classroom.


  • SAFE ENVIRONMENT/MEGAN’S LAW MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: In order to volunteer or participate in any field trips and activities on campus while children are present, all parents/guardians must complete Safe Environment Training. A copy of the Certificate of Completion must be on file in the school office prior to any school participation. Fingerprinting is also required and a copy of your certificate/receipt that you were fingerprinted must be on file in the school office. Please call Fingerprint services of America, INC at 510-293-9140 to make an appointment, walk-ins are also welcome. The location is at 225 W. Winton Ave., Suite 124, Hayward, CA 94544. All of this information is required by the Diocese of Oakland. 


  • Birthdays: Each child’s birthday will be celebrated in class with a certificate and song. If the child would like to bring something for the class, they may bring a birthday book for the class library or a game. If you have something else in mind, reach out to me ahead of time. 

COMMUNICATION: I am on campus from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. Email is my preferred method of communication. I will have a Kindergarten newsletter that you will have access to. This newsletter will have any Kinder information you need. If you ever have any questions, comments, concerns or would like to talk in person, I am available from 7:40 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you would like to have a longer meeting, please call or email in advance to set up a time that works for all. Please email anytime to [email protected]. You may also call on the Assumption School line, 510- 357-8772. 




DISCIPLINE POLICY: Assumption School will continue to implement a discipline curriculum. The teachers and students will work on a social-emotional curriculum together. This program seeks to establish strong and meaningful connections between students, families and school staff. It views mistakes as opportunities to learn and misbehaviors as opportunities to practice critical life skills. In the beginning of the year, each class will work collaboratively to create their own unique set of guidelines. These will be shared with parents/families once they have been created.