Dear Friends and Families of Assumption School,
Tonight, our Class of 2024 celebrates with their parents, faculty, and staff at their Annual Graduation Dinner Dance. This is a labor of love for our 8th grade parents who begin planning this Dinner Dance in September. Last weekend, when many of our families were enjoying the Cherry Festival (Best Float, anyone?), our 8th grade families using a secret theme transformed our normal school gym into a vision of celebration! This gift to our graduates can’t be done without the love and dedication of the parents of the Class of 2024. Pictures will be shared in next week’s Assumption Life!
Tomorrow, June 6, the Class of 2024 will mark their final day as Assumption School leaders and become Assumption School Alumni. They first rejoice in prayer and song at their Baccalaureate Mass and Honors Assembly at 10 a.m. in the church with the whole school. At 4 p.m., we return to the church for our Graduation Ceremony with friends, families, faculty, staff, and, special guests. Both of these events are live streamed. Click here.
Graduates, we will miss you and wish you all the best in your high school life. Don’t forget to continue to be beacons of our Student Learning Expectations: Lifelong Learners, Active Christians, Effective Communicators, and Social Responsible Citizens.
Mrs. Lana Rocheford