Through a vision from Nancy Pretto, the Butterfly Garden has begun to take shape. Thanks to the tremendous help from our AYSAT team, and our school and church families, we recently added the topsoil to the expected garden. The soil is set and ready to bring color and life to the renewed Ministry Center. Seedling process is the next step. Each task will be planned to make this new environment thrive because of the help from our BIG community.


AYSAT also helped at St James' Annual Auction this month: Fun/Food/Games/Awesome Auction items- all to help support their great, long-standing preschool & After-school programs in San Leandro.




4/10- AYSAT meeting after school

4/11- St James' monthly visit

4/21- Sulphur Creek nature center- volunteer/visit

4/25- SL Community Food Bank

4/28- AYSAT meeting after School Mass Come join us!