Assumption celebrates Feast Day and Anniversary with Bishop Barber

Happy solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! God's crowning of His work as Mary ends her earthly life and enters eternity. The feast turns our eyes in that direction, where we will follow when our earthly life is over. 
It was a blessing to have Bishop Michael Barber with us at the 6:00pm Mass to celebrate our patroness feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our 72nd year as a parish.
The Golden Gate Boys Choir graced our worship with their beautiful music and voices! 
In honor of Mary it was beautiful to see all the blue in the pews. The color blue is the color of the sky, the heavens, and represents peace and tranquility. Tranquility befits Our Mother, who kept all the events of her Son’s life in her heart
(Luke 2:19, 51).