Set it and forget it! Recurring donations to help us bridge the tuition GAP!

Get a jump start on fundraising for the 2023-2024 school year by setting up a recurring donation now.  Click here to just set it and forget it!  Set up a recurring donation by 8/18/23 and earn a Wild Free Dress Pass for your child(ren)!

Fundraising can be exhausting, but it's an essential part of what keeps Assumption School thriving!  Tuition does not fully cover the cost to educate a student at Assumption School.  Our annual fund allows us to keep tuition costs competitive while offering families the ability to make 100% tax-deductible donations to help bridge the gap.  We are asking families to donate and/or raise at least $1,000 this school year.  Our fundraising team will continue to offer opportunities to engage your extended networks in fundraising, but for those who do not enjoy fundraising or for those who would like to spread out your family's personal donation, why not set up a recurring monthly donation to the Together We Can Fund?  You can get a great head start on the $1,000 goal by setting up a recurring donation today!


Are you a graduating family?  Setting up a small recurring monthly donation is a wonderful way to continue the legacy of the educational experience you have come to know and love at Assumption School.  Thank you for your consideration and for being a fantastic part of our Assumption community.


Questions?  Reach out to the fundraising committee via email at [email protected]