St. Nick's Boutique Virtual Auction 2020

When:  Friday, November 27th - Thursday, December 3rd
For the past 20 years Assumption has celebrated the spirit of giving, started by alumni parent Brian Copeland, by raising funds for Davis Street's Hot Breakfast Program.  This year you and your family can bid on classic St. Nick gift items.  Payment and pick up will take place at Assumption on December 4th.  HOW CAN YOU HELP?
1)  Please donate an auction item!  In the spirit of St. Nick's - No gift is too small!  Families will receive service hours for any auction item donation. (No used items please)
2)  Join in the bidding fun!  Go to the link above on November 27th and let your Christmas shopping dollars go towards Davis Street!  Bidding opens on Black Friday.
For more information, or to donate an item, please contact:  Allison Pretto [email protected]; Phung Hathaway [email protected]; Olivia Gonzalez [email protected]