Bishop O'Dowd Summer Academy


Middle School Camp


Rising 6th-8th graders explore a high school campus while learning a new skill, playing games, and making new friends.



Session 1: June 17-28

Mini Camp: July 1-3

Session 2: July 8-19


Featured Classes

New Class! Yoga

Learn fundamental yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques in an inclusive environment.


New Class! Dance

Explore the world of dance, develop their skills, and have a positive experience in a summer school setting.


New Class! Hip Hop Literacy

Students will learn literary concepts, including poetry & prose, self expression, public speaking and oratory skills.


New Class! Introduction to Psychology

Students will embark on a journey to understand the human mind, behavior, and emotions through interactive activities, discussions, and real-life examples.

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High School Prep


Rising 9th graders get a head start on high school with language arts, math, study skills, or debate while navigating a high school campus and making life-long friendships.



June 17 - July 12


Featured Classes

New Class! Science Prep

Students will build a strong foundation for future academic and career pursuits in STEM fields while preparing them for high school science.


New Class! Yoga

Learn fundamental yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques in an inclusive environment.


New Class! Navigating Social Media

This class will educate young leaders on the effect of social media and build important critical thinking skills.

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High School Academy


Our High School Academy program offers remediation advancement, and enrichment classes for current high school students. Explore a new interest or stay dedicated to your academic excellence.



June 17-July 12


Featured Classes

Advancement - Christian Morality

Through the exploration of moral philosophies, ethical theories, and the core teachings of Christianity, students will learn the importance of enlightened moral decision making.


Advancement - Ethics & Media

This course equips students to become more intelligent consumers of media. This course explores media’s presence and potency in American culture and analyzes media methods and values from the standpoint of the Gospel and Christian faith.


Advancement - Precalculus

Students will learn about functions and their graphs. Students will be prepared to enter Calculus AB upon successful completion and a diagnostic exam.

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Bishop O'Dowd High School | 9500 Stearns Avenue, Oakland, CA 94605
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