Through generous donations from our community we hope to fund the following:
Each gift, no matter the size, makes an impact.
Enrichment Programs
- Maker Space
- Technology Enrichments -Broadcasting, 3D printing, safely manipulating, upgrading, and fixing laptop hardware, coding
- Expand hands on learning space for TK - 5 grades
- Spanish program
- Fund current program - TK-3rd grade
- Expand Spanish program to 4th - 5th grades in 2021-2022
- Expand Spanish program to 6th - 8th grades in 2023-2024
- Fund current Art, Science & Motor Skills program for the TK - 3
- Community Building Workshops for junior high students
- Support Student participation in Educational Competitions :
- Alameda County Science Fair
- Lillian Black Arts Festival
- Young Authors Faire
- National Spelling Bee
- Oratorical Fest
Classroom Support
- Technology Upgrades for distance learning to hybrid learning
- Instructional Aides and Reading Specialist for TK - 4
- Math and Subject Specialist positions for junior high students
- Mobile Library Access for recess and lunch
- Field Trips Support
- Provide Classroom Supplies
- Playground and P.E. improvements
Teacher Impact
- Faculty Professional and Academic Development Training (ELA, Math, Social Emotional Learning, and Religion)
- Teacher Assistants for every classroom
- Quarterly Teacher's Curriculum Enrichment Opportunities
- Full-time Social Emotional Counselor